Securing Business Tech Devices

Steampunk devices

Most companies use various types of tech devices and systems to run their businesses. As a result, each type of technology has its own risks of being hacked. A business can establish a culture of best practices by using free guides offered by online security organizations.

Technology Checklist

The National Cyber Security Alliance published a Technology Checklist that provides a user-friendly guide to securing technologies. The list provides cyber strategies and security tips for different types of devices and systems. The list includes the following topics:

  • Cloud Solutions
  • Copiers
  • Email
  • Fax Machines
  • File Sharing
  • Firewalls
  • Internet of Things
  • Mobile Devices
  • Point of sale
  • Printers
  • Routers
  • Social networking
  • Switches
  • Third-party vendors
  • USB
  • VPN
  • Website
  • WiFi

IoT Security

The Internet of Things (IoT) includes billions of devices used by organizations and households that collect, store, analyze, and share data. Inexpensive processors and wireless networks can turn anything into part of the IoT.

The Online Trust Alliance (OTA) offers an Enterprise Checklist for the IoT. Below is a summary of best practices:

  • Change device passwords
  • Update firmware and software
  • Enable device encryption
  • Restrict automatic connections
  • Turn off unneeded functions
  • Verify the security of the device

The OTA recommends that a business should implement a comprehensive set of best practices throughout the organization to protect data. Additionally, a business should consider its data lifecycle to quickly respond to an incident. The OTA emphasizes that effectively handling a cyber breach is a “shared responsibility” of everyone in an organization. Importantly, the way a company reacts to a breach will have a long-term impact to its business brand, customer trust, and vendor management.

Below are other helpful guides for securing tech devices:

Trend Micro – Best Practices: Securing Your Mobile Device

FDA – The FDA’s Role In Medical Device Cybersecurity

Symantec – Everything You Need to Know About the Security of Voice-Activated Smart Speakers

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Alice is a member of the Florida Bar, and she focuses on data privacy and cybersecurity compliance. She attended the Warrington College of Business at the University of Florida and earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. After graduating, she earned a Juris Doctor at the Stetson University College of Law. During law school, she served as an Assistant Executive Editor for Stetson Law Review and also as a Staff Editor for Stetson Journal of Advocacy and the Law. She also served as a member of The Florida Bar Journal/News Editorial Board from 2018-2024. She is currently a member of the Florida Bar Cybersecurity and Privacy Law Substantive Law Committee.